Customer Service
- Telephone: 0771-444 333
- Opening hours, phone: Mon - Fri 07.00 am - 06.00 pm, Sat - Sun 09.00 am - 04.00 pm
- E-mail:
- Address: Västra Storgatan 16, Jönköping
- Visiting hours: Mon 09.00 a.m - 06.00 pm, tue - fre 09 am - 4 am.
Travel with us
The most convenient way to buy tickets and to plan your trip for public transport in Jönköpings län is to use the JLT-app. By using the app you can:
- Buy tickets and pay by card or Swish.
- Plan your journey with realtime information and buy a ticket for that journey.
- Check for service disruptions and view the next departure from a certain stop or station.
- Manage your tickets and get a receipt for your ticket directly to your email inbox.
We have a wide range of tickets and bus passes. Your age, travelling zone and where/how you purchase your ticket/bus pass affects the price. Please contact our customer service to find out what alternative is best for you.
Maps for Jönköpings Län
Find out which bus and train lines you should take to get round the county with this online interactive map.
Search by line number or by location in our travel planner and use the tool "Tidtabeller". To know the exact departure time (real time) do a search in the travel planner on the homepage or in our app.
Transport service (Färdtjänst)
If you have certain disabilities you can apply for a pass so that you can travel by Färdtjänst (Transportation service).
Contact Färdtjänstenheten for more information.
- Monday-Friday: 08.30-12.00
- Telephone: 0771-680 680
Hospital trips (Sjukresor)
Hospital trips is for people travelling for medical care who, due to medical reasons, can't use mainstream public transport or their own car.
Contact Sjukreseenheten for more information.
- Monday-Friday: 08.00-12.00 & 13.00-16.00
- Telephone: 0771-412 412
Local Services (Närtrafik)
Local Services is public transport for those who want to travel between the countryside and urban areas. For example, if there are no buses where you live.
Contact Beställningscentralen for more information.
- Monday-Friday: 06.00-23.00
- Saturday-Sunday: 07.00-23.00
- Telephone: 020-777 666
Senast uppdaterad: 2022-08-17